Downtown Mischief

since circa 2012
Local bands, Boots of Mischief and DownTown HoeDown, joined forces and became Downtown Mischief. DTM has gone through numerous lineup changes over the past few years, refining their sound and tightening up their overall act along the way. Fronted by two MCs, a singer, and an explosive horn section, DTM blends elements of jazz, funk, and hip hop, meeting in the middle for an organic experience. Think Beastie Boys freestyling over Tower of Power. Most members are donned with a moniker, which seems to allow their alter-egos to shine. Every set is as unique as each individual member of the DTM crew, so expect the unexpected. Keep note: these cats are infamous for encouraging audience members to come onstage to spit a verse.

DTM’s conscious lyrics remind you of the universal connection we all share. Their awareness even caught the attention of local Green Party leader, Elizabeth May, as she re-tweeted their music video for “Transparency,” a plea from the people for integrity in politics. DTM paints Victoria’s community in a way that makes you feel reacquainted with an old friend.

Playing shows up and down the island; you’ll find Downtown Mischief playing at places as diverse as farmers’ markets, house parties, and other festival stages.

Band Videos

Downtown Mischief
Full remixed set by Downtown Mischief in their performance on the Ska and Reggae Broadcast System li...
Downtown Mischief at Quadra Village Day: Life is Just a Riddle Downtown Mischief performs 'Life is Just a Riddle' live in concert ...
Downtown Mischief - FALL INTO THE SKY (Byee)
LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE BABYYYY "There is an art to flying, or rather a knack. The knack lies in learn...
Downtown Mischief - HOWYFASWED
Hang out with your friends.
Avacado Ideology - DownTown MisChief (Unplugged Live @91.3 T...
Avacado Ideology - Downtown Mischief Live acoustic set on The Zone 91.3 Wishbone Jenkins - Vocal...

Current Lineup

Bryan McDonald "B-MAC!"
2010 - present